At Inner Aesthetics the Essence of Grace intertwines with the Noble Pursuit of Balance and fulfilling Relationships.

Balance & Relationship Coaching with
Maria Vanessa Esposito

I help you in creating meaningful relationships with your partner, family, friends and yourself through self-awareness, compassion and a balanced life.

(The secret, yet not-so-secret key to your overall success.)

Your Kick-Start To Genuine

Connections And Lasting Impact

  • Cultivate Relationships And Effective Communication

    Build authentic, meaningful connections and enhance your communication skills.

    Experience a deep sense of belonging and satisfaction in every interaction.

  • Navigate Social Settings Confidently

    Boost your social skills and experience easy connections with others (at social events).

    Say goodbye to isolation and enjoy a sense of inclusion everywhere you go.

  • Develop Unshakable Self-Confidence And Empathy

    Strengthen your self-belief and compassion towards yourself and others.

    Make bold decisions and stand your ground with newfound self-confidence.

  • Find Your Inner Calm And Triumph Over Stress

    Learn to soothe your nervous system and conquer stress, even during stressful moments of "flight, fight, or freeze”.

    Level up your capacity to tackle challenges with resilience and self-assuredness, empowering you to keep thriving.

  • Create Long-Lasting Positive Impact

    Leave a lasting mark on other people's lives through your leadership, kindness, and care.

    Experience a deep sense of fulfillment as you contribute positively to the world.

  • Balance Success And Wellbeing Rewardingly

    Achieve success while maintaining a healthy, joyful life. #balance

    Discover the secret ingredients to a prosperous and content existence.

If One Or More Elements Are Out Of Balance - This Is How It Manifests In Your Life

  • People-Pleasing And Boundary Issues

    You often find it hard to say no to requests from colleagues, clients and friends. It may lead to feelings of stress, frustration, and a loss of control over your own time and priorities.

  • Conflicts With Business Partners, Family Or Friends

    You find yourself engaging in repetitive dynamics with people around you that drain your time and energy. This might provoke the feeling of wanting to improve your decision-making and standing your ground.

  • Constant Efforts Leading To Burnout

    You invest immense time and energy into your ventures, yet, you feel stuck overworking. This fear of not achieving your desired outcome, affects your daily life and hinders you from making necessary changes.

  • Disappointment In Health And Wellbeing

    You struggle to find a sustainable wellness routine you enjoy and that supports your optimal wellbeing and health. This may even manifest in bad habits like “over-doing”, like over-eating, over-drinking or over-purchasing clothes.

  • Fear Of Unfulfilled Potential In relationships or business

    Despite your accomplishments, you fear that you're not living up to your full potential, leaving you with a constant sense of restlessness. Are there more stones you haven't uncovered, like a career change or finding the partner you've been dreaming of - but never had?

Despite our quest for growth and happiness,
we tend to overlook one vital factor:
the profound impact of our relationships.

It’s crucial to recognize that true success is rooted
in the balance between personal wellbeing and
meaningful connections with others.

Are you ready for overall happiness?
Are you ready to navigate uncharted waters?
Find back your groove?
And (finally!) master the art of
authentic relationships?

Then look no further!

CIAO, I'm Maria Vanessa!

At one point, I was deeply involved in buying apartments, selling penthouses, and managing investments for high-profile clients. 

Here comes the “but”: The strict rules and “cut-throat” competition did not align with my strong need for individual freedom and my intrinsic motivation to express myself authentically.

What really turned the tide for me was this: I have absolutely loved (& still love) networking, developing relationships with prospects, building their trust and helping people achieve their goals and aspirations. 

So in addition to all the fantastic properties, the income I generated, and the wonderful people I met, there was always this: The genuine & heartfelt gratitude of my clients. 

And yet, as time went on, something gradually started to change …

Fast-forward to 2023 >>

With Inner Aesthetics, we have created a community that is here to support you in discovering your path, amplifying your voice and cultivating meaningful relationships. 

By embracing your authenticity and speaking your truth, you'll naturally attract the "right" people. 

Your tribe is just around the corner, waiting for you to step into your true self and find your place among them.

If you're curious about how my expertise in real estate, doing volunteer work for a charity in Africa and my love for “La Dolce Vita” and the Amalfi Coast all come together, click down below to learn more about me:

Maria Vanessa, the joyful girl from network parties who's passionate about fostering deeper connections and helping you thrive.

  • Driving force of Inner Aesthetics

  • Not your average personal development & life mentor

  • Turned passion into business (that allows me to plan my day freely and travel between Germany and Italy)

  • And most importantly: Created meaningful, loving, trusting and strong relationships after having been in competitive environment for so many years, leaving my family behind and being isolated

My Journey On Instagram