Inner Aesthetics

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The Real Reason You Are Not Having Successful (Business) Relationships - Let's Talk About Trust!

If you actively follow me on my LinkedIn and Instagram, you might have read the story about me getting an overwhelmingly awesome opportunity at an event I went to last week. 

One, that was a genuine surprise and warmed my heart, especially since I had originally planned for a cozy evening at home. 

The luckier I feel, the more I realize how fortunate I was to have decided to go out that day.

This opportunity didn't come out of nowhere, even though I wasn't actively seeking it. 

It was a natural conversation where we effortlessly connected.

In this article, I want to introduce you to the magic behind it all: Genuine trust.

Why it is so important to build it, how it radically elevates your love and business life and the real reason why so many people struggle to have it. 

Trust: The Invisible Foundation

Trust is the inevitable key to successful business and personal relationships. Yet, it is often not given the attention it deserves.

Chances are high that you are a business owner or a high-achieving professional when you read this post. The more important it is to acknowledge this:

In the world of sales and business, it's not just about getting rid of products or services. It's much more about building relationships!

When an influencer comes across as genuine and trustworthy, people naturally tend to listen to their recommendations with an open heart and an open ear. Being honest and valuable about who you are really builds trust in their community over time. And that makes content and recommendations so darn effective and credible, as if they were coming from your best friend.

“Ok, Maria Vanessa, I get it. But I am not an Influencer. Why should I even care if people trust you and you can trust them?”

Let me explain:

Whether in personal or romantic relationships, trust is equally pivotal.

Quite simply, when people trust you, they open up to you, share their needs and concerns, and are more willing to take your advice.

This creates an atmosphere of respect and collaboration that can catapult not only your personal life but also your professional career to unprecedented heights.

In business, when you can trust others, you can rely on them, depend on their expertise, and feel secure when doing business or spending moments with them. This not only saves time and energy but also creates a positive atmosphere that drives things forward.

In a trusting romantic relationship, you establish a safe space for open, effective communication and vulnerability. This understanding of each other's needs and concerns deepens your emotional bond and intimacy, a key piece to a successful romantic relationship.

When you trust your partner, you're free from doubts and anxieties. You know they'll be there for you, allowing both of you to focus on nurturing your connection and creating beautiful memories.

In short, trust is the secret ingredient for a fulfilling life and a successful career. It opens doors, creates opportunities, and nurtures relationships.

So the real question is, why would you NOT care about people trusting you (and vice versa)? 😉

Authenticity and Empathy: The Heartbeats of Relationships

The foundation of trust lies in open hearts, authenticity, and empathy. With that good experiences are possible with each other over time which creates trust.

Empathy means truly listening and understanding what moves your counterpart. 

Authenticity means being genuine and true to yourself without pretense or facade.

In the real estate industry, where I've worked for so long, it's not just about selling properties; it's also about recognizing clients' needs, desires and fears. Only by acting authentically and empathetically can you establish a connection with your counterpart.

Values as a Compass and the Reason Why Many Struggle to Trust

In my experience, I've found that genuine values in business relationships serve as my guide for long-term success. For me, integrity, honesty, and the desire to help others are fundamental values that not only build trust but also foster lasting relationships.

But to be quite honest, I've often wondered why it's been so tough for me to trust in the past. And it is because I've had my fair share of worries. I've been scared about the possibility of being turned away and the fear of ending up disappointed, not to mention feeling exposed when I put my trust in someone.

This cycle of 'holding back, doubting and fearing rejection' has sometimes led me to keep my guard up, and it's been a challenge for me to form those authentic connections that I genuinely cherish. I also understand the feeling of not deeming it worthwhile to build a connection due to the time and effort it requires.

The Transformation Trust Brings

Things have changed and I can't help but smile when I think about how I used to be afraid and anxious to trust.

Not IF, but WHEN you choose to work on breaking this pattern, open your heart, and trust others, your life will undergo a remarkable transformation. 

  • Start by figuring out why you're afraid to trust and what's causing it. Think about past experiences that may have made you hesitant.

  • Take small steps to trust in less risky situations. Share a bit more with a friend or colleague than you usually do, or try collaborating in situations where the stakes are low. Take the leap.

  • Talk openly and honestly with those you want to trust. Share your concerns and expectations and encourage them to do the same. Being honest helps build trust.

  • Set clear boundaries in your relationships. Know your limits and communicate them to build trust over time. Loosen your boundaries when your lesson has been learned and you feel more comfortable with the topic.

  • Be consistent in what you say and do. Trust grows when people can rely on you to be dependable and predictable.

  • Remember that trust can be delicate and people may make mistakes. Be ready to forgive and work through problems when they happen. Forgiveness is a vital aspect of trust.

By having the courage to create trust, you open the door to deep connections and meaningful relationships. You will attract people who share your values and are also willing to trust and build with and alongside you.

Your life will become richer and more fulfilling because you will no longer walk alone but with a supportive community by your side.

You'll discover that trust is not a one-way street, but an exchange of values and emotions that will enrich your life in wonderful ways.

So, dare to create good experiences with each other, dare to trust and be brave in overcoming rejection just like disappointments.

Your life will never be the same again when you choose the path of trust.

What are your thoughts on trust? Is trusting others easy for you?

At Inner Aesthetics, we appreciate the opportunity to hear your perspective and connect with you eye-to-eye. 

Whether you prefer to share publicly or privately, don't hesitate to reach out to us through a direct message (DM) on Instagram, LinkedIn, Email or book a Tea-Time-Call on our Calendly.


Maria Vanessa

Founder & Mentor Inner Aesthetics

📩🥰 PS: We speak English, German, and Italian - so there's no excuse not to get in touch with us!