Inner Aesthetics

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Why Breaking Free From Unhealthy Habits And Patterns May Seem Impossible For You

Imagine this: strolling through the pretty streets of an island you love or diving into the warm sea somewhere east. After a little while, eventually seeking a chilly breeze around your nose again, you travel all the way back to the northern part of the globe, immersing yourself in your “typical” existence once more.

For some, this lifestyle is a dream. For many, it is real life.

But even with the freedom to travel anywhere one could ever desire, having enough money in your bank account, and instant access to all the information in the world: now is the time to be honest with yourself.

There are still obstacles and emotions that stop you from being truly happy and successful in your travels, relationships, and life, right?

Despite being “used to the unusual” and the free life you experience, there are patterns that may seem like you are stuck with them forever, and despite not wanting to act upon them, they creep up on you. You fall into their ugly trap. Time after time again.

We are talking about binge-eating or even -drinking, compulsive purchases, ruminating, negative thought spirals and so much more. These are some of the “common” bad habits people around the globe are trying to break.

Take a breath. Reflect. And appreciate. It is an all-too-human experience to pause in such moments and ask yourself: "Is THIS it? Are these the cards I get dealt with now?”

The fact is: You are not alone. You are being understood here.

And by reading this article, you are already “en route” to new discoveries & insights that your old friends might not know about (just yet).

What travel and neuroscience have in common - Let’s talk about the science behind (destructive) patterns

Whether traveling on the hunt for a scoop of gelato or in daily life, our brains are wired to establish patterns and routines - effortlessly creating so-called “mental maps”.

It is both a blessing and a curse. Once you frequently use specific neurological pathways, they become stronger and more automatic. You get comfortable with them.

Depending on how they are used, these new pathways can empower you (a survival mechanism like finding your way home effortlessly) or limit you (read below).

Maybe you can relate to this simple, everyday example:

Each day after work, you enjoy a sweet snack (it SO would be a hot chocolate brownie for me).

Your brain cleverly links the end of work with this sweet moment. It's not just a habit; it's your brain smartly making a quick connection between these two events to save energy.

However, over time, even if you decide to pursue a healthier lifestyle, this neurologically ingrained habit could make it challenging to resist the daily sugary temptation …

Understanding your bad habits and changing Them

By navigating deeper into neuroscience, you equip yourself not only with the ability to change your behavior but also with tactics that carve out new, truly beneficial patterns (that not only sound but also feel good!)

Only by making consistent choices and establishing new “highways” in your brain will you end up with the healthy, more constructive behaviors you deserve.

Your milestones for changing a pattern once and for all:

  • Discover the secrets of neurons and neurotransmitters

  • Gain the power to rewire your brain

  • Consciously choose different paths

Obviously, these are easier said than done. Rest assured: It is possibly also FOR YOU!

And here's a tiny yet thrilling piece of news: In exactly two weeks, we’re rolling out a brand-new post that digs deep into exactly how you can break those patterns (= action steps towards your personal milestones). Stay tuned!

For now, you better be ready to have your mind tickled with intrigue and journey with me through these

3 captivating facts you wish you had known sooner about the (neuro)science behind breaking old patterns and forging new ones:

1. Did you know that up to 90% of your daily actions are not conscious decisions but habitual?

This feature helps you drive home without thinking about each turn but also challenges you when trying to form a new habit, like choosing a salad over fries!

2. The “feel-good” neurotransmitter dopamine doesn’t just show up when you experience pleasure.

It's also there, encouraging you to take actions that have led to pleasure in the past.

So, when you think about that yummy chocolate chip cookie or your (unhealthy) past relationship, dopamine is released to motivate you to act on that thought, making habit formation a somewhat “happy” experience for the brain.

Once your brain saves this very experience as "happy”, aka "stimulating” in your system, it automatically tries to recreate the familiar once again. Even though you keep telling yourself you want to quit with the unhealthy and destructive behavior.

While you think you just “can't change the way you act”, your body just tries to keep you in the same old, familiar place to protect you.ä

Et voilà: You are literally addicted to your own behaviors.

3. You might have heard that it takes 21 days to form a habit, but science says otherwise!

A study by Dr. Phillippa Lally at the University of London found that, on average, it takes about 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic or habituated. However, it can vary from 18 days to a whopping 254 days, depending on the person and the habit!

Before we close today's adventure into the science of habits, let me invite you to dive deep into your own patterns.

Have you ever pinpointed a thought or habit you’d love to break?

  • Maybe every tiny feeling of stress makes you spiral headfirst into online shopping or sweet indulgences?

  • Finding yourself glued to your phone and other devices, forgetting to be present in the here and now?

  • Not engaging in any physical activity?

  • Being pessimistic about your future, thinking you will “fail anyway”?

  • Keep going back to that same old person or job that you really want to quit?

Let us know in the comments what habits you would like to break (& how to replace it with a better, more serving one). Stay tuned for our next blog post in 1 weeks from today, where we will dive into how - with persistence, willpower & time - you can break them.

If you are looking for an open ear, a non-judgmental friend (who has most likely been through the same) or both, feel free to reach out to me via LinkedIn (here) or Instagram (here)—I'll get back to you asap!

My mission is to arm individuals (just like you) with the knowledge to shatter patterns & behaviors that don't serve you any longer and live the life you know you are genuinely destined to live.

See you soon, e tanto amore

Maria Vanessa

Founder Inner Aesthetics