What inspired the choice of 'Inner Aesthetics' as our brand name?

Take a moment to - really - understand that your beauty and grace aren't limited to appearances; they live within you. 

Surely you've heard the saying "beauty is on the inside" countless times, but how many truly live by it? 

This philosophy happens to be one of the main reasons that inspired the choice of 'Inner Aesthetics' as our brand name?

Think of us as your co-pilots on the quest to genuinely experience and cultivate inner beauty that radiates outward. 


In this blog post, you'll learn about:

  • The #1 Thing High Performers Often Overlook: Exploring Shiny Object Syndrome

  • The real Essence of Beauty inside and out: Embracing Your Inner Excellence

  • Why Inner Aesthetics might not be your first guidance, but possibly the last one you need (& the mystery behind our brand name)

🌟 The #1 Thing High Performers Often Overlook: Exploring Shiny Object Syndrome

You've got a client call scheduled, content to create and a networking event to attend. 

Whether you're a high-performing professional or building your own business, it's far too easy to get caught up in the allure of possessions and external achievements, don't you think?

We like to call this phenomenon "Shiny Object Syndrome."

It whispers in your ear, "If I achieve more and accumulate more, I'll finally be fulfilled and recognized for my true worth."

This journey through Shiny Object Syndrome typically unfolds in two stages.

At first, it might not even register on your radar. There's absolutely nothing wrong with expressing your unique style, dressing sharply or wearing some heavy BLING on your wrist. 

But here's the twist: when you swipe that card at the cashier's desk, who are you really doing it for?

Is it because you genuinely appreciate quality and enjoy the finer things in life, or is it influenced by the lingering looks from the bakery saleswoman or the flattering comments from your tennis club crush?

Believe me, that bling on your body becomes even more enjoyable when it's matched by the inner glow of authenticity. 

Ready to head-first dive into that inner sparkle in the next part of our journey !?

đź‘‘ The Essence of Wellbeing: Embracing Your Inner Excellence

That's where it starts: your inner excellence. 

It is about who you are deep down. 

Let's get real here: life can often feel like a big juggling act, with work, family and everything else. It's easy to lose balance. But inside, you have this amazing sanctuary – your life. 

And don't forget that you are the ruler. Not your boss, not your client and certainly not your mother-in-law.

So what do I mean by “Embracing your inner excellence”? It comes down to taking care of yourself in four essential ways:

  • Social Wellbeing: It's about the people you surround yourself with, your friends and your connections. They play a significant role in your happiness.

  • Emotional Wellbeing: Your feelings matter, and how you deal with them is key. It's akin to understanding why you feel the way you do and managing it in a healthy manner, using your emotions to inform your decisions.

  • Mental Wellbeing: Think of this as keeping your mental game sharp and on point. It's about making smart choices and staying laser-focused on what truly matters.

  • Physical Wellbeing: Your body is the vehicle for your journey. When you treat it right – eating good food and staying active – you feel better overall and create mental clarity.

Taking care of yourself is not a complicated formula. It's simply saying:

"I'm continuously take charge of my life; I forgive myself when things don't go according to plan; and I'm striving to be the best possible version of me every day." 

It's about feeling fantastic inside and out, and that's when your true beauty truly shines.

🤝 Why I'm Not Just Another Mentor, but Possibly the Last One You'll Need

Let me share a bit about my journey; perhaps you'll resonate and take away some valuable lessons. 

I'd be lying if I said I'd always been on this path of wellbeing and personal development. I used to swim in the world of real estate and high society circles, chasing what I thought was success.

But you know what? It felt empty. I had all the things society said I should have, but inside, something was missing. Maybe you've felt that way too. 

Through my own experiences, I've learned what it's like to seemingly have it all on the outside while feeling a void within. It's not a great place to be.

So, I decided to change. I mastered the art of breaking bad habits, learned to cultivate empathy and transformed my career into being a wellbeing and relational skills mentor here in Berlin (and Online on Google Meet) for people just like you.

My journey is unique, just like yours and my insights come from a place of genuine understanding. 

You are not here because you seek material possessions or quick fixes. 

You are here because you deserve to be guided to a fulfilling life that goes beyond the surface: You are here to cultivate your INNER AESTHETICS.

> Click the link to discover how our work can help you align your inner beauty with your outer world. Or vice versa.

Mentoring | Inner Aesthetics | Wellbeing, Mentoring & Events

> If you wanna contact me directly, 1:1 and with no strings attached: 

Book an Intro Call | Inner Aesthetics | Wellbeing, Mentoring & Events

(choosing between Tea Time, Intro Call, Mentoring Journey or Tailored 1:1 Sessions)

Yours & with much gratitude

Maria Vanessa

Founder Inner Aesthetics


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