Hey there, you made it -



  • you truly want to feel connected & show up the way you REALLY are & make sure that what's going on inside you matches what the world sees on the outside

  • you want to learn communication thats connecting, authentic, efficient, loving and acknowledging of yourself and others loving

  • you would like to enjoy life to the fullest again & experience renewed and overall vitality 

  • You are seeking clarity or consistent implementation of your career and wellness goals

  • you proactively want to work on your emotional intelligence and empathy

  • you are looking to strengthen the bond to yourself, stay committed and restore your balance

  • you are ready to take a leadership leap into new professional horizons and create your dream career (including the dream LIFE that comes with it)

Let Inner Aesthetics Be THE One-Stop-Shop You Have Been Searching For!

  • Leadership In Your Career

    Ready to chart new horizons in your professional life and turn your dream into a reality? If you're seeking clarity and consistent progress in your career goals, we're here to guide you on the path to realizing your ambitions and professional aspirations.

  • Nurturing And Authentic Connections

    Ready to experience the true beauty of meaningful relationships? Join forces to cultivate healthy bonds and bring harmony into your life.

  • Balancing Mindfulness And Wellbeing

    Achieving professional success while prioritizing your well-being is within reach. If you're looking to rediscover the joy of living with renewed vitality & we're here to wholeheartedly support you in restoring your balance & letting your nervous system heal.

What’s your top priority:
Relationships, Balance or Career?
Or perhaps, all of the above?

The GOOD news is … you can create it all!

And have an inner compass that helps you navigate every step of your way, any challenge and any life circumstance.

Picture A Life Where…

  • You confidently pursue your dreams and seize career opportunities, knowing your potential is limitless.

  • You relish close-knit friendships and relationships that provide genuine support, laughter and the emotional nourishment you deserve (OH yes, you do!).

  • You calmly navigate disagreements, strengthening bonds with your colleagues and loved ones through effective communication.

  • You avoid burnout by nurturing your wellbeing while excelling in your career.

  • Your words resonate with others, leading to clear and heartfelt conversations and ensuring your message is heard.

Are you ready to take the leap? 
Are you eager to turn obstacles into stepping stones? 
And find true fulfillment in your relationships
Tailored Life Coaching by Maria Vanessa

Become a true friend to yourself, to then cultivate meaningful, deep connections with others
Your one-stop-shop for holistic wellbeing & relational skills
Turbocharge your progress (within a few sessions)

Choose Your Plan

Clarity Package

Embark on a single intensive 4-hour mentoring session that offers profound insights.

  • Engage in a deep reflection of your current life situation or relationships.

  • Benefit from an in-depth questioning process that reveals critical dynamics.

  • Have all your questions addressed and receive personalized behavioral tips.

Ideal for: Individuals who are exploring a new direction in life by examining their values, strengths, passions, and longings and who are seeking profound insights, practical advice, and personalized behavioral guidance to navigate life, business or relationship situations.


Relationship Master

Embark on a transformative journey spanning 1-3 months, featuring 10 intensive sessions

  • Unearth and conquer those limiting thoughts and behaviors that hold you back

  • Between sessions, receive effective tasks that ensure a lasting impact

  • Enjoy exclusive access to tailored email support, backed by our satisfaction guarantee

  • Optional: sustainability package to maintain your coaching progress and / or offline-somatic-bodywork experience

  • Flexible payment plans available (most clients & club members choose this package)

Ideal for: Those ready to empower themselves in all areas of their life as a whole, nurturing genuine, enduring relationships while igniting personal growth and evolution on a sustainable basis.

Golden Guidance

Embark on a transformative 6-month journey, tailored to your unique needs.

  • Enjoy up to two coaching sessions weekly, with flexible durations to suit your schedule

  • Begin with a kick-off session, pinpointing essential leverage points

  • Coaching sessions are available in person or online

  • Receive personalized tasks and actionable tips for seamless integration

  • Access unlimited email and phone support for continuous progres

  • Feel secure with my private mobile number for urgent assistance.

  • Have access to our satisfaction guarantee, offline somatic bodywork experiences & flexible payment options

  • Limited (only six per year) – apply now to secure your place!

(Please note: My Golden Guidance Coaching Package currently has all spots filled. Join the waiting list for future availability.)

Inner Aesthetics Club Member Testimonials

  • Rachel M. L.


    “Maria's kind and compassionate nature has been truly remarkable for the time that we've known each other. At some point in the year I felt a career roadblock and she showed up for me, she gave me advice and guided me. When you have someone who supports and puts all their energy into helping you navigate tasks, challenges and just general life stuff it can make you feel seen and cared for. I truly appreciate the positive influence she has had in my life.”

  • Carly C


    “Maria, I received the most amazing voice note from your mentee last week about her internship opportunity in Berlin. Wow! I wanted to thank you because this is what SAYes is all about. Finding someones spark, passion, skills and igniting it. You two are doing such incredible work together and your mentee is full of inspiration. Not only for this connection you have made but also for all the other work you are doing.”

  • Kathrin S.


    "Maria approached me with an open mind, supporting me in better understanding my emotions. She accompanied me in my issues without relying on common clichés and tailored her approach to my individual situation. We frequently adopted different perspectives, which helped me to illuminate my issues from various angles and enhance my empathy for others in conflict situations. Maria met me where I was with her humble, warm, and sincere demeanor.”

4 Travel Points To Radiant Wellbeing And Blissful Connections

We're all about elevating your well-being and supporting you in creating meaningful connections with others.

This journey helps you get to know yourself better, decode your inner world on various levels and level up your decision-making game.

  • Learn to accept and understand your own thoughts and feelings without being too hard on yourself. Foster self-compassion and inner calm.

  • Uncover the essence of empathy, a key to understanding and connecting with people on a deeper level, enriching your interactions with others.

  • Explore how your body and mind are connected, how your nervous system works and discover somatic bodywork experience. Find ways to stay calm and make smart choices even in stressful situations.

  • Improve your communication skills to express yourself honestly and connect with people in a more authentic way, showing up as who you truly are.

Why Coaching-Packages?

  • Flexibility

    Regardless of the package you select, we stay adaptable on your journey. Sometimes, it's perfect to dive deep for a day or two. Other times, shorter sessions with more time between them just feel right. This way, we ensure your coaching experience aligns with your unique needs and goals, giving you the support you need, exactly when you need it.

  • Continued Progress

    Hourly packages open doors to multiple sessions at perfect intervals. In between, I'll equip you with bonus exercises and tasks, turbocharging your progress and seamlessly embedding the coaching successes into your daily life. This stretches the effective coaching time far beyond the scheduled hours.

  • Ongoing Support

    Should any questions pop up between our sessions or if you ever need extra help with your exercises, rest assured, I'm here for you. You can reach out via email whenever you need guidance or support. Your progress matters so much to me and I am just an email away to ensure you're always moving forward.

Want to find out if this is your cup of tea (or coffee)?

No worries, we get it! 

That's why we're offering you a “no-strings-attached” Intro Call:

  • Get a sneak peek into how we can work together

  • Leave none of your questions unanswered or stones unturned

  • Check if the vibe matches, if and how we can support you

Whether you're sipping tea or soy macchiato, let's connect and explore how we can help you thrive. 

Worry-free commitment. If, within 14 days, you choose not to continue
coaching for any reason, just give us a heads-up, no explanations are necessary. We'll only bill you for the coaching hours used up to that point, and you'll receive a straightforward refund for the remainder. No ifs, and no buts.

✺ Burning Questions You're Dying To Get Answers To ✺

  • Our personalized coaching and relationship guidance can be your personal key to unlocking a more fulfilling life. Picture this:

    Social Connections: We'll help you build deep, meaningful relationships that bring joy and support into your world.

    Mental Strength: Gain clarity on your visions and goals, make confident decisions, navigate both personal and business changes effortlessly and maintain your inner peace

    Emotional Balance: Say goodbye to stress and anxiety as we provide you with the tools to gracefully navigate your emotions and calm your nervous system

    Physical Health: Prioritize your well-being, achieve peak physical condition, and feel confident in your own skin, whether naked or not! 😄

    At Inner Aesthetics, we're not just talking about Wellbeing; we're delivering results. Whether you're facing challenges, transitions, or simply want to uncover your full potential, join us on this journey to experience the concrete benefits of a happier, healthier, and more fulfilled life.

    Your transformation starts here.

  • We keep things simple: Our commitment to authenticity, empathy, and personalized support is the heart of our community.

    Our space is all about genuine connections, expressing yourself and finding your tribe.

    Our founder, Maria Vanessa, infuses her wealth of experience into our community, ensuring that every interaction is profound and meaningful.

    Curious? Come check the vibe – we believe you'll feel the chemistry!

  • Absolutely! Inner Aesthetics offer a complementary approach to traditional therapy.

    Our services can either accelerate your progress or work harmoniously alongside therapy sessions.

    Whether you're experienced in life coaching or eager to give it a try, our holistic approach is designed to enhance your overall wellbeing - by giving you exactly what you need, at the exact right time.

  • Inner Aesthetics provide a unique blend of personal development coaching and relationship guidance.

    Our approach focuses on ALL areas of your life, encompassing social, mental, emotional, and physical aspects of life.

    While Maria Vanessa is not a therapist, her expertise can help you overcome challenges, develop authentic connections, and achieve your full potential, either independently or in conjunction with therapy.

    Eager to embrace the best of both worlds? There’s no harm in booking an Intro Call.

  • Absolutely!

    I (Maria Vanessa) am the visionary founder and dedicated mentor behind Inner Aesthetics.

    Having ALWAYS been drawn to people, it truly is my passion.

    From when I was a baby and started walking in my parents' restaurants (asking ALL the questions to their customers), to being a real estate agent, and now being the initiator and head mentor of Inner Aesthetics.

    If there's something I was born with, it's my love for connecting with other people (some call it my DNA) and TO CARE.

    In the early days, my mentoring was all voluntary, but over time, outstanding outcomes & achievements later, this passion evolved into a calling and eventually a career.

    My path has been shaped by

    • extensive training and academic background focused on practical problem-solving

    • my experience in the world of real estate truly underscored the importance of values and relationships

    • being raised between two different cultures (Italian parents, raised in Germany) and my parents breaking up when I was young, truly led me to cultivate effective communication and embrace authenticity. It showed me how many different, yet opposed emotions can exist at the very same time.

    From this transformation & hunger for growth, Inner Aesthetics was born - a platform driven by the desire to assist individuals in finding their path, amplifying their voices, and cultivating meaningful connections in all aspects of life.

    If you are eager to embrace your authenticity, speak your truth, and naturally attract those who resonate with your journey, then Inner Aesthetics is the place for you.

Do you have any more questions
about my work, personality or want
to check the vibe? 

Feel free to pick a time for your free intro call.